
Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machine

Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machine
Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machine

Edge cutting trimming and forming machines are specialized machines used to deburr, smooth, trim, and shape edges of various materials, particularly metals, plastics, and wood. They employ a combination of cutting, grinding, and forming processes to achieve the desired edge finish and profile.

Types of Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machines

Edge cutting trimming and forming machines come in various configurations to suit specific applications and materials. Common types include:

  1. Benchtop Machines: These compact and portable machines are ideal for small-scale edge finishing tasks, such as deburring and trimming small components.
  2. Floor-standing Machines: These larger and more powerful machines are designed for heavy-duty edge finishing applications, such as trimming and shaping large sheets of metal or plastic.

Components of Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machines

Edge cutting trimming and forming machines typically consist of the following components:

  1. Cutting Tool: The cutting tool is the primary element that removes material from the edge. It may be a rotating blade, a grinding wheel, or a milling cutter, depending on the material and desired finish.
  2. Guide Rails: The guide rails provide precise positioning and movement of the workpiece during edge finishing.
  3. Forming Tool: The forming tool, if used, shapes the edge of the workpiece to the desired profile. It may be a roller, a press, or a forming die, depending on the application.
  4. Workpiece Support: The workpiece support securely holds the workpiece in place during edge finishing.
  5. Control System: The control system regulates the movement of the cutting and forming tools, ensuring precision and repeatability.

Working Principle of Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machines

Edge cutting trimming and forming machines operate on the principle of controlled material removal and shaping. The cutting tool precisely removes unwanted material from the edge, while the forming tool shapes the edge into the desired profile. The guide rails ensure accurate positioning and movement of the workpiece, while the control system regulates the entire process.

Applications of Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machines

Edge cutting trimming and forming machines are widely used in various industries for a range of applications:

  1. Metal Fabrication: Deburring, trimming, and shaping metal components for various applications, such as automotive parts, machinery components, and architectural elements.
  2. Plastics Manufacturing: Deburring, trimming, and shaping plastic sheets and components for various applications, such as packaging, electronics, and automotive parts.
  3. Woodworking: Deburring, trimming, and shaping wooden components for various applications, such as furniture, cabinetry, and decorative woodwork.
  4. Medical Device Manufacturing: Deburring, trimming, and shaping medical devices and implants to achieve a smooth, sterile surface that meets medical standards.
  5. Jewelry Making: Trimming and shaping gemstones, precious metals, and jewelry components to achieve precise dimensions and a polished finish.

Benefits of Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machines

Edge cutting trimming and forming machines offer several advantages, including:

  1. Accuracy and Precision: They provide precise edge finishing with minimal material removal, ensuring consistent results.
  2. Fast and Efficient: They can quickly deburr, trim, and shape edges of various materials, reducing production time.
  3. Versatility: They can handle a wide range of materials, from soft plastics to hard metals, and can achieve various edge profiles.
  4. Rugged Construction: They are typically made from durable materials and are designed to withstand heavy-duty use.
  5. Automated Processes: Some machines can be automated, further reducing labor costs and improving efficiency.

Safety Considerations when Using Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machines

When using edge cutting trimming and forming machines, safety precautions are essential to prevent injuries and maintain a safe working environment:

  1. Personal Protective Equipment: Wear safety glasses, gloves, and a respirator to protect from flying debris and metal splinters.
  2. Safe Material Handling: Handle materials carefully to avoid cuts and abrasions.
  3. Secure Workpiece Fixture: Ensure the workpiece is securely held in place to prevent it from moving during operation.
  4. Adequate Ventilation: Provide adequate ventilation in the working area to remove dust and fumes.
  5. Proper Machine Operation: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines for safe operation.

Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machine

Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machine, aka Corner Rounder Machine, is used to cut, bend or round sharp edges of a metal cup-shaped part such as fire extinguisher or cookware production

These cutting and trimming of edges are carried out by our ECM-100, ECM-200, and ECM-300 machines, specially designed to cut the edges of round parts in serial production. In our machinery, cutting of edges and bending them inside are carried out in one cycle which shortens the cycle time of one part and makes economy in the production of the machine

Our order rounder machines are made as a welded sheet construction and complete painted, with an electrical board, controlled by a PLC

Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machine is a specialized machine used for cutting, trimming, and forming the edges of various materials such as metal, plastic, and wood. It is commonly used in the manufacturing industry for mass production of products such as panels, boards, and sheets.

The machine is equipped with sharp blades that can accurately cut and trim the edges of the material. It is also designed with different forming tools that can shape the edges of the material into various forms and profiles.

The operation of the Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machine is simple and efficient. The operator loads the material onto the machine and selects the appropriate cutting, trimming, or forming tool. The machine automatically performs the required operation according to the selected tool, and the finished product is discharged from the machine.

This machine is widely used in the manufacturing industry, including industries such as automotive, aerospace, construction, and furniture. It is particularly useful for cutting, trimming, and forming the edges of materials used in these industries.

Edge curling operation with the Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machine for sheet metals

Edge curling, also known as edge rolling or edge forming, is a metalworking process that creates a rolled or curled edge on sheet metal components. It is commonly used for various purposes, including:

  1. Reinforcing edges: Curling strengthens the edges of sheet metal components, making them more resistant to damage and wear.
  2. Creating a smooth finish: Curling eliminates sharp edges and creates a smooth, rounded edge that is safer to handle and aesthetically pleasing.
  3. Preparing for welding: Curling can prepare the edges of sheet metal components for welding by aligning them and providing a consistent surface for the weld bead.

Edge curling can be performed using various tools and techniques, but one of the most efficient and versatile methods is using an edge cutting trimming and forming machine. These machines are equipped with specialized tooling that can precisely curl edges of various sizes and materials.

Edge Curling Operation with an Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machine

The edge curling operation with an edge cutting trimming and forming machine typically involves the following steps:

  1. Material Preparation: Ensure the sheet metal is clean, free from burrs, and of uniform thickness.
  2. Workpiece Positioning: Securely position the sheet metal on the machine’s workpiece support, ensuring it is aligned with the curling tool.
  3. Tool Adjustment: Adjust the curling tool’s position and pressure settings according to the thickness and material of the sheet metal.
  4. Edge Curling: Activate the machine to curl the edge of the sheet metal. The machine’s guide rails will ensure precise movement, and the curling tool will apply the appropriate pressure to achieve the desired curl radius.
  5. Inspection: Inspect the curled edge for uniformity, consistency, and adherence to the desired specifications.

Benefits of Using an Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machine for Edge Curling

Edge cutting trimming and forming machines offer several advantages for edge curling operations:

  1. Accuracy and Precision: They provide precise edge curling with consistent results, ensuring the desired curl radius and edge profile.
  2. Versatility: They can handle a wide range of sheet metal thicknesses and materials, from thin aluminum to thick steel.
  3. Efficiency: They can quickly curl edges of various sizes, reducing production time and increasing productivity.
  4. Reduced Human Error: They automate the edge curling process, minimizing the risk of human error and ensuring consistent quality.
  5. Safety: They provide safety features, such as guards and interlocks, to protect operators from potential hazards.

Edge curling is a special metalworking operation, to make the edges of a round or a flat sheet metal into hollow rings and this operation is carried out when there is a need of fixing one part on the other with air or watertight closure for safe handling. The rims of the round metal part are first cut (or also called trimmed) and then can be bent outside or inside by a special metal tool called “sheet metal curling tool”. In this way, the part has a better finishing and the rims have no longer the risk of cutting by usage.

Edge curling machine in curling the rims of a round sheet metal part

The curling usually takes a few seconds more time in comparison to edge cutting operation. The operator needs to remove the edge cutting tool and put on the edge curling tool to go on with the curling.

Edge curling operation can be applied on metals such as:

  • Stainless steel
  • Black steel
  • Aluminum
  • Copper
  • Tin
  • Zinc

The edge curling (or edge closing) is also widely applied in bakeware production facilities. The stainless steel cake, aluminum or alusteel cake molds (or more generally bake molds) are also manufactured by a drawing hydraulic press and the rims of these molds are trimmed first by an edge trimming machine and then curled inside or outside depending on the application.

Cake molds with curled edges

The curling of sheet metals can be applied to the parts as below

  • Cake molds
  • Teapots and coffee pots
  • Milk canisters
  • Water heater bodies
  • Kettles
  • Bakery products

What is curling in sheet metal?

Curling in sheet metal is a metalforming process that creates a rolled or curled edge on sheet metal components. It is a versatile and widely used technique that serves various purposes, including:

  1. Reinforcing edges: Curling strengthens the edges of sheet metal components, making them more resistant to damage and wear. This is particularly important for components subjected to frequent handling or potential impacts.
  2. Eliminating sharp edges: Curling eliminates sharp edges that can pose safety hazards or cause discomfort during handling. The rounded edge created by curling provides a smoother, safer finish.
  3. Enhancing aesthetics: Curling can enhance the aesthetic appearance of sheet metal components by creating a clean, uniform edge. This is often desirable for components that are visible or have decorative elements.
  4. Preparing for welding: Curling can prepare the edges of sheet metal components for welding by aligning them and providing a consistent surface for the weld bead. This can improve the quality and strength of the welded joint.
  5. Guiding fluid flow: In applications where sheet metal components are used to guide fluid flow, curling can help create a smooth, consistent internal profile that minimizes turbulence and enhances fluid flow characteristics.

Methods of Curling Sheet Metal

There are several methods for curling sheet metal, each with its own advantages and limitations. Some of the most common methods include:

  1. Manual Curling: Manual curling involves using hand tools, such as curling pliers or a hammer and dolly, to bend the edge of the sheet metal. While this method is simple and inexpensive, it can be time-consuming and may not provide the precision and consistency required for critical applications.
  2. Roll Forming: Roll forming utilizes a series of rollers to gradually bend the edge of the sheet metal into the desired curl radius. This method offers high precision and consistency, but it requires specialized equipment and may not be suitable for small-scale or complex shapes.
  3. Press Forming: Press forming utilizes a press brake or other stamping equipment to press the edge of the sheet metal into a die that forms the desired curl shape. This method is suitable for high-volume production and can produce complex curl profiles.
  4. Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machines: Edge cutting trimming and forming machines are versatile machines that can perform a variety of edge finishing operations, including curling. These machines offer a combination of precision, efficiency, and versatility, making them a popular choice for various sheet metal applications.

Factors Affecting Curling Process

The curling process is influenced by several factors, including:

  1. Sheet Metal Thickness: Thinner sheet metal is generally easier to curl than thicker sheet metal, as it requires less force and is more pliable.
  2. Sheet Metal Material: The material of the sheet metal also affects the curling process. Softer materials, such as aluminum, are generally easier to curl than harder materials, such as steel.
  3. Curl Radius: The desired curl radius affects the curling process. Smaller curl radii require more precise tooling and control, while larger curl radii are more forgiving.
  4. Lubrication: Lubrication can be applied to the sheet metal to reduce friction and prevent galling during the curling process.
  5. Tooling: The type and quality of the curling tool significantly impact the curling process. Proper tool selection and maintenance are essential for achieving consistent results.
  6. Machine Settings: Machine settings, such as speed, pressure, and feed rate, must be adjusted appropriately for the specific sheet metal thickness, material, and curl radius.

Curling is a valuable technique in sheet metal fabrication, offering a range of benefits and applications. By understanding the curling process, factors affecting it, and the appropriate methods and equipment, manufacturers can effectively curl sheet metal components to achieve the desired strength, aesthetics, functionality, and consistency.

Curling is one of the sheet metal forming applications to make the flat or round rims (edges) of a part hollow and circular roll. After the curling, the outer geometry of the edge changes completely. The thickness of the edge becomes the diameter of the hollow roll.

The curling operations can be made on the center of the roll or off the center of the roll. These two applications need separate machine tool designs

The diagram of a curling toll of an edge curling machine

The curling tool moves vertically on the sheet metal edge of the part while the part rotates about its own axis. The curling tool has a special hemisphere geometry and needs to be manufactured with a harder material than the part itself to withstand the wear and friction. The curling tool moves up and the contact of the part edge must be on the edge of the curling tool inside, maximum closest to the hemisphere finishing corner. the diameter of this hemisphere determines the outer diameter of the curling roll of the sheet metal part.

The speed of the upward movement of the curling tool (or curling die) is critical. This speed is calculated according to the yield strength of the material of the part. The bigger the yield strength, the slower the curling die needs to move upward in order no to damage the part edge

In our edge cutting trimming beading or curling machines, the movement and the speed of the curling die is controlled by a servo motor (which is also controlled by a PLC) to make the process go smoother.

The Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machine is a specialized machine used in the production of metal parts, particularly for sheet metal fabrication. It is designed to cut, trim, and form the edges of metal parts, resulting in a clean and smooth finish. The machine uses a series of cutting and forming tools to shape the edges of the metal parts into the desired configuration.

The Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machine is commonly used in industries such as automotive manufacturing, aerospace, construction, and metal fabrication. It is particularly useful in applications where the edges of the metal parts need to be precise and uniform, such as in the production of sheet metal components for automotive body parts or aircraft wings.

The machine consists of several components, including a cutting blade, a forming tool, a workpiece holder, and a control system. The cutting blade is used to cut the metal sheet to the required size, while the forming tool is used to shape the edges of the metal part into the desired configuration. The workpiece holder is used to securely hold the metal sheet in place while the machine operates, and the control system manages the operation of the machine and ensures that the metal parts are cut and formed correctly.

Overall, the Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machine is a versatile and essential tool in the metal fabrication industry, allowing for the production of high-quality metal parts with precise and uniform edges.

How does the Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machine work?

The Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machine is a versatile machine that performs multiple operations on sheet metal components, including edge cutting, trimming, and forming. It is a valuable tool in various industries, including metal fabrication, electronics manufacturing, and automotive production.

Working Principle

The Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machine operates primarily on the principles of controlled material removal and shaping. The machine utilizes a combination of cutting and forming tools that precisely remove unwanted material and shape the edges of sheet metal components to the desired profile.

  1. Edge Cutting: The cutting tool, typically a rotating blade, removes excess material from the edges of the sheet metal component. The blade’s movement is controlled by guide rails to ensure precise and consistent cutting.
  2. Trimming: Trimming involves removing any imperfections or irregularities from the cut edge. This ensures a clean, finished edge that is free of burrs or unevenness.
  3. Forming: The forming tool, which may be a roller, press, or forming die, shapes the edge of the sheet metal component into the desired profile. This could involve creating a rolled or curled edge, a flanged edge, or a beaded edge.

Control System

The Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machine is equipped with a control system that regulates the movement of the cutting and forming tools and ensures precision and repeatability. The control system may consist of servo motors, encoders, and a programmable logic controller (PLC).


The Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machine can handle a wide range of sheet metal thicknesses and materials, from thin aluminum to thick steel. It can also be used with various tooling configurations to achieve different edge profiles and shapes.


Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machines are used in various applications, including:

  1. **Deburring and trimming metal components for various applications, such as automotive parts, machinery components, and architectural elements.
  2. **Shaping edges of plastic sheets and components for various applications, such as packaging, electronics, and automotive parts.
  3. **Creating rolled or curled edges on sheet metal components for reinforcement, aesthetics, or fluid flow optimization.
  4. **Flanging edges of sheet metal components to provide a stronger joint or accommodate welding.
  5. **Creating beaded edges on sheet metal components for decorative purposes or to enhance rigidity.


Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machines offer several benefits, including:

  1. Accuracy and precision: They provide precise edge finishing with consistent results, ensuring the desired edge profile and dimensional accuracy.
  2. Versatility: They can handle a wide range of materials and thicknesses, making them suitable for various applications.
  3. Efficiency: They can quickly process workpieces, reducing production time and increasing productivity.
  4. Reduced human error: They automate the edge finishing process, minimizing the risk of human error and ensuring consistent quality.
  5. Safety: They provide safety features, such as guards and interlocks, to protect operators from potential hazards.

Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machines are essential tools in sheet metal fabrication, enabling manufacturers to produce high-quality components with precise edge finishes, enhanced strength, and improved aesthetics.

The Edge Cutting Trimming and Forming Machine is designed to trim and form the edges of sheet metal parts. It works by using a set of cutting and forming tools that are mounted on a horizontal axis. The sheet metal part is placed on a support table, and then it is pushed against the cutting and forming tools. The cutting tools are used to trim the excess metal from the edges of the sheet, while the forming tools are used to create the desired shape or contour of the edge.

The machine is controlled by a computer program that controls the movement of the cutting and forming tools. The program is designed to take into account the dimensions and shape of the sheet metal part, as well as the desired shape and contour of the edge. Once the program is set, the machine can perform the cutting, forming, and trimming operations automatically, with a high degree of precision and accuracy.

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