Trimming Joggling Machine

Trimming and Joggling Machine
A Trimming Joggling Machine

A trimming joggling machine is a device that has a set of blades that rotate at high speed in order to cut and trim sheet metal. The machine is used in the production of round parts such as LPG & CNG Cylinder Production Lines.

This machine can be operated manually or automatically. The blades are adjustable to the thickness of the sheet metal being cut, so they can be set up for different thicknesses automatically.

The trimming joggling machine is used for trimming and joggling the edges of metal sheets. The machine can be used for various operations such as edge cutting, trimming, curling, beading, rim cutting, and bending.

The most common types of materials cut with this machine are sheet metal such as aluminum, copper, and brass. It can also be used on other materials such as stainless steel.

A trimming joggling machine is a specialized tool used to trim and bead the halves of cylindrical workpieces, such as LPG and CNG cylinders, before circumferential seam welding. It is a crucial step in the manufacturing process of these cylinders, ensuring a precise and uniform edge preparation for welding.

Components of a Trimming Joggling Machine

A trimming joggling machine typically consists of the following components:

  1. Base Frame: The base frame provides a stable and rigid foundation for the machine.
  2. Trimming Unit: The trimming unit houses the rotating blade or blades that trim the edges of the workpiece.
  3. Joggling Unit: The jogging unit utilizes rollers or dies to form a bead along the edge of the workpiece, ensuring a smooth transition for welding.
  4. Workpiece Clamping System: A secure clamping system firmly holds the workpiece in place during the trimming and jogging processes.
  5. Control Panel: The control panel allows the operator to adjust parameters such as blade speed, joggling pressure, and cycle duration.

Trimming and Joggling Process

The trimming and jogging process on a trimming joggling machine typically involves the following steps:

  1. Workpiece Loading: The workpiece is carefully loaded into the machine and securely clamped in place.
  2. Trimming Operation: The trimming unit is activated, and the rotating blade or blades trim the edges of the workpiece to the desired length and bevel angle.
  3. Joggling Operation: The jogging unit is engaged, and rollers or dies form a bead along the trimmed edge of the workpiece.
  4. Cycle Completion: Once the trimming and jogging operations are complete, the machine automatically cycles off, and the workpiece is ready for circumferential seam welding.

Applications of Trimming Joggling Machines

Trimming joggling machines are primarily used in the manufacturing of cylindrical workpieces, particularly LPG and CNG cylinders, for the following purposes:

  1. Edge Preparation for Welding: The trimming and jogging processes ensure a precise and uniform edge preparation for circumferential seam welding, ensuring a strong and leak-proof weld.
  2. Surface Finishing: The jogging process creates a bead along the edge of the workpiece, enhancing the surface finish and providing a smooth transition for welding.
  3. Dimensional Accuracy: Trimming joggling machines ensure that the trimmed edges and beads are consistent and within the required dimensional tolerances.
  4. Production Efficiency: These machines offer high production rates, enabling efficient manufacturing of large quantities of cylinders.

Safety Precautions

When operating a trimming joggling machine, it is essential to adhere to safety precautions to prevent injuries and ensure proper operation:

  1. Wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Always wear safety glasses, gloves, and a hearing protection device to protect yourself from flying debris, sparks, and noise.
  2. Securely Clamp the Workpiece: Ensure the workpiece is firmly clamped in place and properly aligned before starting the machine.
  3. Maintain Proper Blade Condition: Regularly inspect and maintain the blades to ensure they are sharp and free of damage.
  4. Avoid Overfeeding the Workpiece: Never force the workpiece into the machine or overfeed it beyond the specified capacity.
  5. Keep Hands Clear of Moving Parts: Keep hands and other objects clear of the machine’s rotating blades and moving components.
  6. Use the Correct Operating Procedures: Follow the manufacturer’s operating procedures and guidelines for the specific machine model.
  7. Turn Off the Machine Before Adjustments: Always turn off the machine before making any adjustments or changing the blades or other components.
  8. Store the Machine Properly: Store the machine in a safe, secure location when not in use, keeping it out of reach of unauthorized users.

Trimming Joggling Machine

A trimming and jogging machine is a device used in the manufacturing process to cut and shape metal sheets. It is commonly used in the production of round parts, such as LPG and CNG cylinders. The machine can be operated manually or automatically.

How It Works

The trimming and jogging machine works by using a rotating blade to cut the metal sheet to the desired size. The blade is mounted on a carriage that moves along a track. The operator can control the speed and position of the carriage by using a foot pedal or a manual control.

The jogging feature of the machine allows the operator to bend the metal sheet at a specific angle. This is done by using a separate blade that is mounted on a pivot point. The operator can adjust the angle of the blade by using a lever.


Trimming and jogging machines are used in a variety of applications, including:

  • Manufacturing of round parts: These machines are commonly used in the production of round parts, such as LPG and CNG cylinders.
  • Sheet metal fabrication: These machines are also used in sheet metal fabrication shops to cut and bend metal sheets for a variety of projects.
  • Metalworking: Trimming and jogging machines are also used in metalworking shops to trim and bend metal sheets for a variety of applications.


Trimming and jogging machines offer a number of benefits, including:

  • Accuracy: These machines can cut and bend metal sheets with a high degree of accuracy.
  • Efficiency: These machines can cut and bend metal sheets quickly and efficiently.
  • Versatility: These machines can be used to cut and bend a variety of metal sheets.
  • Durability: These machines are built to last and can withstand heavy use.

Safety Precautions

When operating a trimming and jogging machine, it is important to follow safety precautions to prevent injuries. These precautions include:

  • Wearing personal protective equipment (PPE): Always wear safety glasses, gloves, and a hearing protection device when operating a trimming and jogging machine.
  • Securing the workpiece: Make sure the workpiece is securely clamped to the machine before operating it.
  • Using the correct blade: Choose the appropriate blade for the material you are cutting.
  • Operating the machine at the correct speed: Do not operate the machine at an excessively high speed.
  • Never touching the moving blade: Never touch the moving blade while the machine is in operation.
  • Turning off the machine before making adjustments: Always turn off the machine before making any adjustments to it.

By following these safety precautions, you can safely operate a trimming and jogging machine and create high-quality products.

A trimming joggling machine is a specialized tool used in metalworking to trim and form the edges of sheet metal components. It is commonly used in the production of round parts such as LPG and CNG cylinders, as well as other cylindrical or conical components. The machine combines trimming and joggling operations in a single unit, allowing for efficient production of high-quality components.

Trimming Function

The trimming function of a trimming joggling machine utilizes a rotating blade or cutter to sever the excess material from the edge of the sheet metal workpiece. This process creates a clean, precise edge and ensures that the component has the desired dimensions.

Joggling Function

The joggling function of a trimming joggling machine employs a series of rollers or dies to form a bead or flange along the edge of the sheet metal workpiece. This bead or flange provides reinforcement and rigidity to the edge, enhancing the strength and durability of the component.

Machine Operation

The operation of a trimming joggling machine typically involves the following steps:

  1. Workpiece Loading: The sheet metal workpiece is securely placed on the machine’s worktable or chuck.
  2. Trimming: The trimming blade or cutter is positioned against the edge of the workpiece, and the machine is activated to rotate the blade and trim the excess material.
  3. Joggling: Once trimming is complete, the joggling rollers or dies are engaged to form the bead or flange along the edge of the workpiece.
  4. Unloading: The finished workpiece is removed from the machine.

Applications of Trimming Joggling Machines

Trimming joggling machines are widely used in various industries for a variety of applications, including:

  1. LPG and CNG Cylinder Manufacturing: Trimming joggling machines are essential in the production of LPG and CNG cylinders, ensuring accurate trimming and forming of the cylinder edges.
  2. Sheet Metal Fabrication: Trimming joggling machines are used in sheet metal fabrication to trim and form the edges of various components, such as flanges, enclosures, and ducting.
  3. Automotive Industry: Trimming joggling machines are employed in the automotive industry to trim and form the edges of car body panels, bumpers, and other sheet metal components.
  4. Appliance Manufacturing: Trimming joggling machines are used in appliance manufacturing to trim and form the edges of appliance panels, doors, and other sheet metal components.

Benefits of Trimming Joggling Machines

Trimming joggling machines offer several advantages over other methods of trimming and forming sheet metal edges, including:

  1. Accuracy: Trimming joggling machines produce precise, consistent edges with minimal burrs or imperfections.
  2. Efficiency: Trimming joggling machines combine trimming and joggling operations in a single unit, reducing production time and labor costs.
  3. Versatility: Trimming joggling machines can handle a wide range of sheet metal materials and thicknesses.
  4. Durability: Trimming joggling machines are constructed from durable materials and designed for long-term operation in industrial environments.

Safety Precautions

When operating trimming joggling machines, it is crucial to follow safety precautions to prevent injuries and ensure proper operation:

  1. Wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Always wear safety glasses, gloves, and a hearing protection device to protect yourself from flying debris, sparks, and noise.
  2. Securely Clamp the Workpiece: Ensure the workpiece is firmly clamped to the machine’s worktable or chuck to prevent it from slipping or moving during operation.
  3. Use the Correct Trimming and Joggling Tools: Choose the appropriate trimming blade or cutter and joggling rollers or dies for the specific application and material being processed. Using the wrong tools can damage the workpiece or cause injury.
  4. Maintain Proper Machine Speed: Maintain a moderate speed to prevent overheating the workpiece or damaging the trimming tools and joggling dies.
  5. Avoid Overheating the Workpiece: Avoid applying excessive pressure or operating the machine for extended periods to prevent overheating the workpiece and potential damage.
  6. Regularly Clean and Maintain the Machine: Keep the machine clean and inspect it regularly for worn or loose components.
  7. Operate the Machine in a Well-ventilated Area: Use the machine in a well-ventilated area to minimize dust accumulation and protect yourself from harmful fumes.
  8. Never Touch the Moving Trimming Tools or Joggling Dies: Never touch the moving trimming tools or joggling dies while the machine is in operation.
  9. Turn Off the Machine Before Making Adjustments: Always turn off the machine before making any adjustments or changing the trimming tools or joggling dies.
  10. Store the Machine Properly: Store the machine in a safe, secure location when not in use, keeping it out of reach of children and unauthorized users.

By adhering to these safety guidelines and operating the machine responsibly, you can effectively utilize trimming joggling machines to produce high-quality, precisely

  • Wheel Production Lines
  • LPG and CNG Cylinder Production Lines
  • Fire Extinguisher Production Lines
  • Cartridge Case Production Lines for Defense Industry
  • Warhead and Projectile Production Lines
  • Gun Barrel Production Lines
  • Anti-Tank Ammunition Production Lines
  • Missile Body Production Lines

A trimming joggling machine is a specialized piece of equipment used in sheet metal fabrication and manufacturing processes. It’s designed to perform two primary operations: trimming and joggling. Let’s explore these operations and the components of a trimming joggling machine in more detail:

1. Trimming Operation:

  • Purpose: Trimming is the process of removing excess material or unwanted edges from a sheet metal component. This operation ensures that the final product has clean, precise edges.
  • Process: The sheet metal is positioned on the machine’s work surface. A cutting tool, often in the form of a blade or cutter, moves along the edges of the metal sheet to trim away excess material.
  • Components: In the trimming operation, the key components of a joggling machine include the cutting tool, which may be adjustable or interchangeable to accommodate different sheet metal thicknesses and shapes. The cutting tool is typically mounted on a reciprocating arm or a moving carriage.

2. Joggling Operation:

  • Purpose: Joggling, also known as flanging or offsetting, involves bending or forming a part of the sheet metal to create an offset or an edge that serves various purposes, such as reinforcement or joining.
  • Process: The sheet metal is placed under a forming tool or die, and the machine applies force to create the desired offset or flange. The amount of offset and the angle can be adjusted to meet specific design requirements.
  • Components: The joggling operation requires a forming tool or die, often custom-designed to produce the required offset or flange shape. The machine’s hydraulic or mechanical press mechanism provides the force necessary for forming the metal.

Components of a Trimming Joggling Machine:

  • Frame: The machine’s frame provides the structural support and stability required for precision operations.
  • Work Surface: This is where the sheet metal is placed and secured for processing.
  • Cutting Tool: For the trimming operation, the machine features a cutting tool, such as a blade, that moves along the edges of the metal sheet.
  • Forming Tool or Die: For the joggling operation, a forming tool or die is used to shape the metal.
  • Press Mechanism: The machine is equipped with a press mechanism, which can be hydraulic or mechanical, to provide the necessary force for both trimming and joggling operations.
  • Controls: Modern trimming joggling machines come with user-friendly control panels that allow operators to set parameters like cutting depth, tool speed, and press force.
  • Safety Features: Safety measures, such as emergency stop buttons and guards, are essential to ensure operator safety during machine operation.
  • Adjustability: Some machines offer adjustability to accommodate various sheet metal sizes and thicknesses.
  • Clamping System: A secure clamping system holds the sheet metal in place during trimming and joggling operations.

Trimming joggling machines are commonly used in the aerospace, automotive, and sheet metal fabrication industries for manufacturing components that require precise trimming and forming. Proper setup and adjustment of the machine are crucial to achieve accurate and consistent results.

Trimming Joggling Machine

Components of the Trimming Joggling Machine

1. Frame:

  • Purpose: The frame serves as the foundation of the machine, providing structural stability and support for all other components.
  • Construction: Frames are typically made of heavy-duty materials like cast iron, welded steel, or sturdy aluminum to ensure rigidity and minimize vibrations during operation.
  • Design: The frame is designed with sufficient rigidity to withstand the forces generated during trimming and joggling processes, ensuring precision in cutting and forming.

2. Work Surface:

  • Purpose: The work surface, often referred to as the table or bed, is where the sheet metal is positioned and secured for processing.
  • Material: Work surfaces are usually made of materials like steel or cast iron, known for their durability and resistance to deformation.
  • Clamping Mechanism: The work surface may feature a clamping mechanism that holds the sheet metal securely in place during trimming and joggling operations to prevent movement or shifting.

3. Cutting Tool:

  • Purpose: In the trimming operation, the cutting tool removes excess material or unwanted edges from the sheet metal, ensuring precise dimensions.
  • Types: Cutting tools can vary in type, such as rotary blades, shearing blades, or specialized trimming dies.
  • Adjustability: Some machines allow for the adjustment of the cutting tool’s depth, angle, and position to accommodate different sheet metal thicknesses and cutting requirements.

4. Forming Tool or Die:

  • Purpose: The forming tool or die is used in the joggling operation to shape or bend the sheet metal to create offsets, flanges, or other desired features.
  • Customization: Forming tools are often customized to match the specific design requirements of the component being produced.
  • Materials: They are typically made of hardened steel or other wear-resistant materials to withstand repeated use.

5. Press Mechanism:

  • Purpose: The press mechanism provides the force required for both trimming and joggling operations.
  • Types: It can be hydraulic or mechanical, depending on the machine’s design and intended use.
  • Pressure Control: Modern machines often have pressure control systems that allow operators to adjust the force applied during the operations.

6. Controls:

  • User Interface: The machine is equipped with a control panel or interface where operators can set parameters, including cutting depth, tool speed, press force, and other variables.
  • Safety Features: Control panels may include safety features such as emergency stop buttons and status indicators to ensure safe operation.

7. Safety Features:

  • Emergency Stop: Machines are equipped with easily accessible emergency stop buttons that immediately halt machine operation in case of an emergency or safety concern.
  • Guards: Safety guards and shields are installed to protect operators from moving parts and potential hazards during operation.

8. Adjustability:

  • Sheet Metal Size and Thickness: Some machines offer adjustability to accommodate various sheet metal sizes and thicknesses, making them versatile for different applications.

9. Clamping System:

  • Purpose: The clamping system secures the sheet metal in place during trimming and joggling processes to prevent movement or shifting.
  • Types: Clamping mechanisms can include mechanical clamps, hydraulic clamps, or pneumatic clamps, depending on the machine’s design.

Trimming joggling machines are precision tools used in various industries to produce accurately trimmed and formed sheet metal components. Proper setup, calibration, and adherence to safety protocols are crucial to achieving consistent and high-quality results.

A trimming joggling machine is a specialized tool used in metalworking to trim and form the edges of sheet metal components. It is commonly used in the production of round parts such as LPG and CNG cylinders, as well as other cylindrical or conical components. The machine combines trimming and joggling operations in a single unit, allowing for efficient production of high-quality components.

Main Components of a Trimming Joggling Machine

The main components of a trimming joggling machine include:

  1. Frame: The frame provides the structural support and stability required for precision operations. It is typically made of a sturdy metal material, such as steel or cast iron, to withstand the forces involved in trimming and joggling.
  2. Work Surface: The work surface is the platform on which the sheet metal workpiece is placed and secured during processing. It is typically a flat, level surface made of a durable material that can withstand wear and tear from the trimming and joggling operations.
  3. Trimming Head: The trimming head houses the rotating trimming blade or cutter. It is positioned and aligned precisely to ensure accurate trimming of the workpiece edge. The trimming blade or cutter is typically made of a high-strength material, such as tungsten carbide, to maintain sharpness and edge retention.
  4. Joggling Mechanism: The joggling mechanism consists of a series of rollers or dies that form the bead or flange along the edge of the workpiece. The rollers or dies are typically made of a hard, wear-resistant material, such as steel or hardened plastic, to ensure long-term durability.
  5. Workpiece Clamping System: The workpiece clamping system securely holds the sheet metal workpiece in place during trimming and joggling operations. It may consist of a chuck, clamps, or other mechanical devices that provide firm grip and prevent the workpiece from moving or slipping.
  6. Drive System: The drive system provides the power to rotate the trimming blade or cutter and operate the joggling mechanism. It typically consists of an electric motor, gearbox, and transmission system that delivers the necessary torque and speed for efficient operation.
  7. Control Panel: The control panel allows the operator to control the machine’s functions, including trimming and joggling operations, speed adjustments, and safety features. It may consist of buttons, switches, or a touchscreen interface.
  8. Safety Guards: Safety guards are essential components that protect the operator from potential hazards during machine operation. They may include shields, interlocks, and emergency stop buttons to prevent accidental contact with moving components or prevent machine operation without proper safety measures in place.

In addition to these main components, trimming joggling machines may also include additional features, such as:

  1. Material Feed Systems: Automated material feed systems can be incorporated to streamline the production process and reduce manual handling of sheet metal workpieces.
  2. Dust Collection Systems: Dust collection systems can be integrated to capture and remove metal dust and debris generated during trimming and joggling operations, maintaining a clean and safe work environment.
  3. Pneumatic or Hydraulic Systems: Pneumatic or hydraulic systems may be employed to provide additional power or control for certain machine functions, such as clamping mechanisms or joggling operations.
  4. Computer Numerical Control (CNC): Advanced trimming joggling machines may incorporate CNC technology for precise control of trimming and joggling operations, allowing for automated production of complex shapes and geometries.

By understanding the various components and features of trimming joggling machines, operators and technicians can effectively utilize these specialized tools to produce high-quality, precisely trimmed and joggled sheet metal components for various industrial applications.

Application Areas

The trimming jogging machine is a versatile and essential tool in various industrial applications. Its ability to precisely trim and form the edges of sheet metal components makes it a critical component in manufacturing processes across various industries. Here are some of the key application areas of the trimming jogging machine:

1. LPG and CNG Cylinder Production:

Trimming jogging machines play a pivotal role in the production of LPG and CNG cylinders. They ensure accurate trimming of the cylinder edges and form the bead or flange that provides reinforcement and rigidity to the cylinder walls. This ensures the safety and durability of these critical pressure vessels.

2. Sheet Metal Fabrication:

Trimming jogging machines are widely used in sheet metal fabrication to trim and form the edges of various components, such as flanges, enclosures, and ducting. Their ability to handle a wide range of sheet metal materials and thicknesses makes them a versatile tool in sheet metal workshops.

3. Automotive Industry:

Trimming jogging machines are employed in the automotive industry to trim and form the edges of car body panels, bumpers, and other sheet metal components. Their precision and efficiency contribute to the production of high-quality automotive components.

4. Appliance Manufacturing:

Trimming jogging machines are used in appliance manufacturing to trim and form the edges of appliance panels, doors, and other sheet metal components. They help ensure the aesthetic appeal and functional integrity of various household appliances.

5. Electrical and Electronic Component Manufacturing:

In the production of electrical and electronic components, trimming jogging machines are used to trim and form the edges of metal casings, enclosures, and brackets. Their precision and reliability ensure the proper fit and function of these components.

6. Aerospace and Defense Industries:

Trimming jogging machines find applications in the aerospace and defense industries for trimming and forming the edges of aircraft components, missile parts, and military equipment. Their ability to handle high-strength materials and meet stringent precision requirements makes them invaluable in these sectors.

7. Medical Device Manufacturing:

In the production of medical devices, trimming jogging machines are used to trim and form the edges of surgical instruments, implant components, and medical equipment housings. Their precision and accuracy contribute to the safety and efficacy of these critical medical devices.

8. Energy and Infrastructure Industries:

Trimming jogging machines are employed in the energy and infrastructure industries to trim and form the edges of metal components used in power plants, transmission lines, and infrastructure projects. Their durability and reliability make them well-suited for these demanding applications.

9. General Metalworking Shops:

Trimming jogging machines are essential tools in general metalworking shops for handling a wide range of trimming and forming tasks. Their versatility and adaptability make them indispensable for job shops and general metalworking operations.

These examples illustrate the diverse range of applications for trimming jogging machines across various industries. Their ability to precisely trim and form sheet metal edges makes them a valuable asset in manufacturing processes that demand accuracy, efficiency, and reliability.

EMS Metalworking Machinery: Your Trusted Partner in Precision Metalworking

EMS Metalworking Machinery
EMS Metalworking Machinery

EMS Metalworking Machinery is a leading manufacturer of high-quality metalworking equipment, dedicated to providing innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of industries worldwide. With a rich history of excellence and a commitment to technological advancement, we have earned a reputation for delivering cutting-edge machinery that ensures precision, efficiency, and durability.

Our Product Range:

  • CNC Spinning Lathes: From precision bench lathes to heavy-duty industrial models, our lathes offer unmatched accuracy and performance for a wide range of applications, including machining shafts, gears, and other cylindrical components.
  • Trimming Beading Machine: Our trimming beading machines are designed to provide exceptional cutting capabilities and versatility, enabling you to create complex shapes and intricate details with ease. Whether you need a horizontal or vertical trimming machine, we have the perfect solution for your needs.
  • Hydraulic Deep Drawing Press Machines: Our hydraulic deep drawing press machines are built to deliver precise and powerful drawing operations, ensuring clean holes and exceptional surface finishes. We offer a comprehensive range to suit various applications.
  • Grinding Machines: Our grinding machines are engineered for precision and efficiency, allowing you to achieve the highest levels of surface finish and dimensional accuracy. Whether you need a surface grinder, cylindrical grinder, or tool grinder, we have the equipment to meet your specific requirements.
  • Sawing Machines: Our sawing machines are designed for fast and accurate cutting of metals, providing clean cuts and minimal burrs. From band saws to circular saws, we offer a variety of options to suit different materials and cutting needs.
  • Custom Machinery: In addition to our standard product line, we also specialize in custom machinery fabrication. Our experienced engineers can work with you to design and build tailored solutions that meet your unique requirements and optimize your production processes.

Why Choose EMS Metalworking Machinery:

  • Quality: Our machines are crafted with the highest quality materials and components, ensuring long-lasting performance and reliability.
  • Precision: We are committed to delivering machinery that meets the most stringent tolerances and standards, ensuring exceptional accuracy in your metalworking operations.
  • Innovation: We continuously invest in research and development to stay at the forefront of technological advancements, offering innovative solutions that enhance your productivity and efficiency.  
  • Customer Support: Our dedicated team of experts is always available to provide comprehensive support, from machine selection and installation to maintenance and troubleshooting.
  • Customization: We understand that every business has unique needs, and we offer flexible customization options to tailor our machines to your specific requirements.

At EMS Metalworking Machinery, we are more than just a supplier of equipment; we are your trusted partner in metalworking success. By choosing EMS, you can be confident in the quality, reliability, and performance of your machinery, enabling you to achieve your business goals and stay ahead of the competition.

EMS Metalworking Machinery

We design, manufacture and assembly metalworking machinery such as:

  • Hydraulic transfer press
  • Glass mosaic press
  • Hydraulic deep drawing press
  • Casting press
  • Hydraulic cold forming press
  • Hydroforming press
  • Composite press
  • Silicone rubber moulding press
  • Brake pad press
  • Melamine press
  • SMC & BMC Press
  • Labrotaroy press
  • Edge cutting trimming machine
  • Edge curling machine
  • Trimming beading machine
  • Trimming joggling machine
  • Cookware production line
  • Pipe bending machine
  • Profile bending machine
  • Bandsaw for metal
  • Cylindrical welding machine
  • Horizontal pres and cookware
  • Kitchenware, hotelware
  • Bakeware and cuttlery production machinery

as a complete line as well as an individual machine such as:

  • Edge cutting trimming beading machines
  • Polishing and grinding machines for pot and pans
  • Hydraulic drawing presses
  • Circle blanking machines
  • Riveting machine
  • Hole punching machines
  • Press feeding machine

You can check our machinery at work at: EMS Metalworking Machinery – YouTube


  • Beading and ribbing
  • Flanging
  • Trimming
  • Curling
  • Lock-seaming
  • Ribbing
  • Flange-punching